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Autorenbild: soapbubbbblessoapbubbbbles

We thought a lot about which car we would like to build our own campervan <3

Our dream was, and will always be, a VW T1 or T2. But as we are living in the middle of Stuttgart City with no parking spot and Max having to drive to work each morning we had to put that dream in a drawer in our heads and keep it safe for the future.

After a lot of discussion, looking at cars and thinking about possibilities we finally found the car we wanted to spend of time with the next few years: A VW Caddy!

You might say it kind of looks like a craftsmans car but I think it's the future of small campers.

After week of impatiently waiting we finally got the message that we could pick it up on Wednesday! Till now it a normal VW Caddy, but soon it will be the best Minicamper the World has seen! Stay tuned! PS: We will take him out on the weekend to make our first thoughts about how we want to modificate the car. Pictures will follow!


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