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Es geht weiter

Endlich ist der Frühling da! Nach dem der Crafter den Winter ein einer kleinen alten Bauernscheune verbracht hat (in der wir leider nicht...

Wände, Bett und der Küchenblock

Bevor wie in den Urlaub fahren wollten im September war uns wichtig das die Wandverkleidung angebracht ist, natürlich das Bett steht und...

Einbau von Carbest Fenster im Campervan

Nach dem wir einen Großteil des Vans isoliert hatten, wollten wir zunächst die Fenster anbringen, bevor wir das restliche Armaflex...

Los geht's: Isolierung mit Armaflex XG

Was beim Caddy aufgrund der Verkleidung und dem flexiblen Miniausbau nicht nötig war, ist beim Crafter nun umso wichtiger. Warum? - die...

Der Neue

Unser VW Caddy war für uns immer der perfekte Campervan: Klein, günstig, unauffällig und trotzdem komfortabel und gemütlich. Als wir dann...

The Drawer

I never found the time to write down the exact measurements. But as so many people as for informations I have some pictures for which...


Ever felt really proud? I do right now! I got the chance to write an article for the Garmin online magazine A very...

Vanlife Experiences

we travelled a lot with our caddy last year and i sadly didn't find the time to write... But as we both obtained a 2 month break in...

The color our dream was (and will always be) ab VW T1 bus. As it isn't affordable nor practical in workaday life we decided to go for the...

The mattress

After we me made the box we could think about the mattress as we had the exact sizes now. Luckily there is a foam material shop right...

The wodden box

We had really a loooooot of work to do the last week. Good stress, but still much work :D But it's totally worth it. First of all I have...

Planning planning planning

I promised pictures and here they are! Thoose pictures below are from the day we picked him up: We have so many plans with our new...

It's here

We thought a lot about which car we would like to build our own campervan <3 Our dream was, and will always be, a VW T1 or T2. But as we...

Web vs. Print Design

Whilst working in my job as a graphic designer I often have to collaborate with other people as my agency sometimes just manufactures and...


Welcome to Urbany! As this is my first blog post I would like to introduce myself a little: My name ist Carina, 29 years old and living...

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