we travelled a lot with our caddy last year and i sadly didn't find the time to write...
But as we both obtained a 2 month break in summer 2017 (the plan is driving up to Scandinavia and just explore places we find along the way - just like spain and portugal last year) I thought it's time to hit the keys again.
We had a really intense traveltime last summer, we drove about 9600 km. From Germany to the atlantik coast in France, all the way along the Spanish coastline (and some trip to the inland and some islands), big parts of Portugal and made our way back through the Pyrenees. Which means we had a lot of time to experience our selfmade conversion. And I have to say, it pretty was awesome! Great nature, we met some really awesome people and we felt really freed from our daily working routine. Building a campervan was pretty much the best decision we made in 2016 :D
Nevertheless we found some parts which need a upgrade or might not have been the best solution.
U P G R A D E S N E E D E D :
- water system (we only had a 10 liter foldable can which wasn't really handy, also a mobile shower would be awesome)
- packings system (you know the feeling when you kind of put things away at another place to just find out you need something from there right after? It felt like we repacked about 80% of our time...)
- cocking situation (last years solution was just a temporary solution, this year we will finally build the drawer)
- power system (we might need some solar power for our cooler box and the mobile shower)
E N H A N C E M E N T N E E D E D :
- lock of the our bed-system (little wooden rods don't last very long..)
- curtains (they need some sucker at the bottom too)
- mattress (they always drift apart)
We got 6 month till we hit the road on our big trip, enough time for all our plans!
PS: More pictures follow!